7th Grade

7th Grade Teachers

Mr. Blachier - Math I

Mr. Brinkley - STEAM 7 & Technology Education

Mrs. Cathcart - Computer Applications

Mrs. Lees - Art 7

Mr. Long - Band

Mrs. Long - Choir

Mrs. Magagnotti - Wellness & Physical Education

Mrs. Martin - English 7

Mrs. Phillips- World Geography

Mr. Weber - Science 7

7th Grade Info

Incoming 7th graders will have an orientation that familiarizes the students with the building and expectations at the High School. Students will receive their schedules for the first day of class in early August. Students will be able to find their schedules and locker numbers on CSIU. 

Being organized and responsible will be two of the most important things you can do to be a successful 7th grader.  Here are some of the supplies your teachers would like you to have for class:

English: 3-ring binder with lined paper OR a notebook plus a pocket folder

Math I: binder with loose leaf paper, scientific calculator (optional, but recommended)

Science: 1 pocket folder

World Geography: a binder with lined paper or a notebook and pocket folder

Physical Education: Daily for the year bring a T-shirt, shorts, gym shoes and deodorant

Wellness: 3-ring binder with lined paper 

Art: Sketchbook (unlined drawing paper)

Choir: pencil

When looking for a binder to purchase, please keep in mind that the lockers at the High School are not very deep.  If you get an oversized binder or trapper keeper you will not be able to close your locker.  You will also be required to have a lock on your locker.  The school will provide you with one, or you can bring in your own.

For EVERY class, EVERY day, you will need a pencil and eraser.  They will not be provided like they are in elementary, so keeping a few extras in your locker is a smart idea.  You may also want to purchase book covers to help protect your textbooks.  Another great idea is buying an assignment book.  It is easy to carry from class to class.  You can record all your homework and due dates in it and it will help you stay on top of everything.

Clarion Area 7th and 8th grade Clubs and Sports 22-23 (2)