Student Registration Procedures
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) wishing to enroll a student in Clarion Area School District must schedule an appointment to meet the school counselor/secretary to initiate enrollment procedures.
Make certain to have the following information for presentation (more than one form):
- Proof of residency ... 2 total documents ...1 from each category below.
Any document from the following:
Mortgage agreement
Final settlement statement (HUD-1 Form)
Rental agreement or lease
Property tax payment receipt
AND any document from the following:
Utility bill with current address
Paycheck stub with employer and employee's address
Current Voter Registration
PA driver's license
PA vehicle registration
Proof of child's age in the form of:
Birth certificate
Baptismal certificate
Prior school record
Immunization record
Parent Registration Statement (PA Code 13-1304-A)
Home Language Survey
During the appointment for enrollment, parent(s)/guardian(s) will need to complete and sign the following:
Release of Records
Student Registration Form
Parent Registration Statement (PA Code 13-1304-A)
Home Language Survey
Emergency Health Information
School Health Records Information
Free and Reduced Lunch Form
Parents(s)/Guardian(s) wishing to enroll their student in the Clarion Area School District must hold their primary/permanent residence within the district. Those who do not live within the district boundaries but wish to attend may do so by paying the annual tuition rate for the district as set by the School Board of Directors. Tuition rates may be provided by the business per parent/guardian request.