
A-5 Special Schedule

Day 1: STEAM

Day 2: Music

Day 3: Library

Day 4: Gym

Day 5: Art

A-6 Special Schedule

Day 1: Library

Day 2: Gym

Day 3: Art

Day 4: STEAM

Day 5: Music 

 A-3 Special Schedule

Day 1: Gym

Day 2: Art

Day 3: STEAM

Day 4: Music

Day 5: Library

A-4 Special Schedule

Day 1:  Art

Day 2: STEAM

Day 3: Music

Day 4: Library

Day 5: Gym

Kindergarten Schedule

7:45-8:20 Arrival/Breakfast

8:20-8:50 Morning Work, Morning Meeting, Calendar,


8:50-9:50 ELA (English Language Arts)

9:50-10:20 MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)

10:20-10:40 Morning Break

10:40-11:30 Math

11:30-11:40 Wash/Restrooms

11:40-12:10 Lunch

12:15-12:55 Special

1:00-1:20 Developmental Centers

1:20-1:50 MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)

1:50-2:30 Pack up/Recess

2:30-2:50 Dismissals

What do students need for Kindergarten?


Water bottles

Kindergarten Wish List for the Classroom

Elmer's Glue Sticks

paper plates

Ziploc Storage bags (large zipper)

brown and white paper lunch bags

Kleenex Tissues

Expo Markers


Kindergarten Information

School Hours: Doors unlocked at 7:45 am, 8:20 am school begins, Dismissal - bus kids 2:37 pm, walkers 2:42 pm, pick ups 2:45 pm. Please make sure your child arrives on time, as it is so crucial to their daily routine. If they are tardy, please check in at the office. The first week of school we will meet your child in the gym.

Staggered Start: 1/2 Day 1, 1/2 Day 2, everyone Day 3, meet in the gym for the first week

Transportation: See online handbook for rules and procedures. ANY CHANGES REQUIRE A NOTE OR PHONE CALL TO THE OFFICE PLEASE!

Classroom Responsibilities: backpacks, coats, folders (**sent home and returned to school daily), notes, homework, lunch choice 

Clothing: send in case of cafeteria spills or accidents, dress appropriately for weather, extra pair of sneakers, extra masks LABELED ziploc bag

Breakfast & Lunch Program: option for breakfast, lunch choices on Smartboard, menus on website

Grades: report cards every 9 weeks, sign and return, parent teacher conferences

Reading: sight words every week, weekly reading story homework, handwriting, grouping by student needs

Writing: portfolios, journals

Math: hands-on approach, guided practice pages

MTSS: support system for whole school, all kids' needs met

Specials: remember gym shoes for gym day, please send an oversized shirt for art

Newsletter & Calendar: weekly update of skills being taught, CHECK FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION

Recess/P.M. Break: daily, weather permitting, appropriate footwear, extra clothes, brain breaks

Developmental Centers: small group activities to enhance socialization, creativity and teamwork. Also allows time for one-on-one instruction.

Book Orders: Online ordering is preferred, activation code. If you choose to send your order to school, please make checks payable to SCHOLASTIC. Cash is not accepted by the company.

Field Trips: local walking trips, end of the year trip

Technology: STEAM, Smartboard lessons, classroom Ipads and Chrome Touches, Google Classroom

Website:, lunch menu,, important district information