8th Grade

8th Grade Teachers

Mrs. Babington - Exploratory French

Mr. Blachier - Math II

Mrs. Cathcart - Computer Science & Careers

Mr. Long - Band

Mrs. Long - Choir

Mrs. Magagnotti - Health Ed. I

Mrs. Martin - English 8

Mr. Murtha - Physical Education

Mrs. Phillips- Civics/Intro to U.S. History

Mrs. Reed - Exploratory Spanish

Mr. Weber - Science 8

8th Grade Info

Course Schedules: Students will be able to view their course schedule and locker numbers in August through CSIU.

Here are some of the supplies your teachers would like you to have for class:

English 8: 3-ring binder with lined paper OR a notebook plus a pocket folder

Math II/Acad. Alg. I-8: binder with loose leaf paper, scientific calculator (optional, but recommended)

Science 8: 1 pocket folder

Civics/Intro to U.S. History: a binder with lined paper or a notebook and pocket folder

Physical Education: Daily for the year bring a T-shirt, shorts, gym shoes and deodorant

Health I: 3-ring binder with lined paper 

Exploratory Spanish: a binder with lined paper or notebook and pocket folder

Choir: pencil

Schedule for next year: Students will be able to choose elective courses for their 9th grade year in the late winter/early spring of their 8th grade year. The school counselor will walk them through the requirements and options. Students will have their choices sent home to be reviewed with parents/guardians and returned with acknowledgement and approval of course selections. The school will make an effort to schedule all elective courses chosen, however students aren't always able to get into all of their choices because of period availability.